## ## Qsmtp CTest script ## ## This will run a Nightly build on Qsmtp ## ## ## What you need: ## ## All platforms: ## -cmake >= 2.8.3 ## -Subversion command line client ## -all the other stuff needed to build Qsmtp like openssl, compiler, ... ## ## ## How to setup: ## ## Write to a file my_qsmtp.cmake: ## ## ######### begin file ## # the binary directory does not need to exist (but it's parent) ## # it will be deleted before use ## SET(QSMTP_BUILD_DIR "my/path/to/the/build/dir") ## ## # if you don't want to run a Nightly, but e.g. an Experimental build ## # SET(dashboard_model "Experimental") ## ## # if your "svn" executable can not be found by FindSubversion.cmake ## # SET(SVNCommand "path/to/my/svn") ## ## # if you only want to run the test, but not submit the results ## SET(NO_SUBMIT TRUE) ## ## # if you are not on a openSUSE system the script currently doesn't ## # set a proper build name ## SET(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "Fedora Core 14 x86_64") ## ## # This _*MUST*_ be the last command in this file! ## INCLUDE(/path/to/Qsmtp/ctest_qsmtp.cmake) ## ######### end file ## ## Then run this script with ## ctest -S my_qsmtp_nightly.cmake -V ## # Check for required variables. FOREACH (req QSMTP_BUILD_DIR ) IF (NOT DEFINED ${req}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "The containing script must set ${req}") ENDIF () ENDFOREACH (req) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.3) IF (NOT SVNCommand) FIND_PACKAGE(Subversion REQUIRED) SET(SVNCommand ${Subversion_SVN_EXECUTABLE}) ENDIF(NOT SVNCommand) SET(UpdateCommand ${SVNCommand}) SET(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) SET(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY ${QSMTP_BUILD_DIR}) # Select the model (Nightly, Experimental, Continuous). IF (NOT DEFINED dashboard_model) SET(dashboard_model Nightly) ENDIF() IF (NOT "${dashboard_model}" MATCHES "^(Nightly|Experimental|Continuous)$") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "dashboard_model must be Nightly, Experimental, or Continuous") ENDIF() IF (NOT CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR) SET(CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR "Unix Makefiles") ENDIF (NOT CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR) # set the site name IF (NOT CTEST_SITE) EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND hostname --fqdn OUTPUT_VARIABLE CTEST_SITE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) ENDIF (NOT CTEST_SITE) # set the build name IF (NOT CTEST_BUILD_NAME) IF (EXISTS /etc/SuSE-release) FILE(STRINGS /etc/SuSE-release _SUSEVERSION) LIST(GET _SUSEVERSION 0 _BUILDNAMETMP) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[\\(\\)]" "" CTEST_BUILD_NAME ${_BUILDNAMETMP}) UNSET(_SUSEVERSION) ELSEIF (EXISTS /etc/os-release) FILE(STRINGS /etc/os-release _OSVERSION) FOREACH(_OSVERSION_STRING ${_OSVERSION}) IF (_OSVERSION_STRING MATCHES "^NAME=") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^NAME=" "" _OSVER_NAME "${_OSVERSION_STRING}") ELSEIF (_OSVERSION_STRING MATCHES "^VERSION_ID=") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^VERSION_ID=\"(.*)\"" "\\1" _OSVER_VERSION "${_OSVERSION_STRING}") ENDIF () ENDFOREACH(_OSVERSION_STRING) UNSET(_OSVERSION) IF (_OSVER_NAME AND _OSVER_VERSION) SET(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "${_OSVER_NAME} ${_OSVER_VERSION}") ENDIF (_OSVER_NAME AND _OSVER_VERSION) ENDIF () ENDIF (NOT CTEST_BUILD_NAME) IF (NOT CTEST_BUILD_NAME) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "CTEST_BUILD_NAME not set.\nPlease set this to a sensible value, preferably in the form \"distribution version architecture\", something like \"openSUSE 11.3 i586\"") ENDIF (NOT CTEST_BUILD_NAME) FIND_PROGRAM(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND valgrind) FIND_PROGRAM(CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND gcov) ctest_read_custom_files(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) ctest_empty_binary_directory(${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/var/qmail/control") file(WRITE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/var/qmail/control/me" "${CTEST_SITE}\n") ctest_start(${dashboard_model}) ctest_update() # avoid spamming the syslog with our messages: USESYSLOG off # avoid spamming the dashboard with doxygen warnings: BUILD_DOC off # get coverage: debug build ctest_configure( OPTIONS "-DUSESYSLOG=Off;-DNOSTDERR=On;-DREALLY_NO_LOGGING=On;-DBUILD_DOC=Off;-DAUTHCRAM=On;-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug;-DAUTOQMAIL=${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/var/qmail" ) ctest_build() # The AUTH LOGIN wrong test will take 5 seconds where they are in a sleep, # schedule more tests in parallel so this doesn't take too long. ctest_test(PARALLEL_LEVEL 2) IF (CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND) ctest_coverage() ENDIF (CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND) IF (CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) SET(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/valgrind.supp") ctest_memcheck() ENDIF (CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) IF (NOT NO_SUBMIT) ctest_submit() ENDIF (NOT NO_SUBMIT)